User Guide

Add a Device

After installation you could click on
the blue "Systems" link and add you first Device:

Name: is the Name of your Router/Switch/PC/Device
(Attention the name could not be changed so easy there are some dependings on the name but i forget which)

SNMP_IP: here you should enter the IP Address of the Device
you want do monitor. For example:
You could also enter the fqdn in the SNMP_IP field.

SNMP Port: if you don't enter the Port here the default Port
will be choosed it's: 161

SNMP Community: default for most systems is public or privat but
you should change this for security reasons.

SNMP Version: here you should enter the snmp version you use?
(1 or 2c, version 3 is not supported by datagrapher at the moment)

After you entered all the information you could click on the
"New" Button

If you get the following error:

				Software error:
				Can't call method "name" on an undefined value at modules/DataGrapher/ line 63.

				For help, please send mail to the webmaster (webmaster(at), giving this error message and the time and date of the error.

Check your mysql database connection, look at: $Installdir/dataGrapher/logs/dataGrapher.log what's wrong.

If the database connection is there and the database exits and the user and password is right
you should get the Message "Sucessfully saved System "

Data Sources

Now you should get some new buttons: "Data Sources" and "Show" and under Systems "Select" and "Delete".
If you enter the right snmp version, community and ipaddress and you now klick on "Data Sources" you should
get, at the right side a list of all Available Data Sources of your System.

Now choose for example eth0 or FastEthernet0/0 from the Data Sources there you find all the available
named oid's for the Interface.

Choose InOctets for example. Now you see that DataGrapher puts the SNMP Oid into the left Form.
(If you don't find the right Data Source in the Tree on the right side that you could also Enter it
by hand in the left Form)
The "Data Source" form includes: SNMP OID: Here, as i mentioned above, you could enter the SNMP Oid.

Label: The label is there to insert some human readable text which says what that SNMP Oid includes.

Interval: Here you could modify the Interval in which the Graph would get data from the poller.

Datatype: The Datatype is better explained on some other websites:
Cricket Reference under "rrd-ds-type".
rrdtool create Documentation Linux Magazine: Daten ausgesiebt in German from Michael Schilli (perlmeister)

Active:With that checkbox you could activate and deactivate the Data Source

Categories:This point i will explain later.

Now we could create the first graph with the click on the "New" button.
(You don't have to press apply again.)
If you now Click in the left Menu Frame on ReCache you should see a + on the system link if you open it
you there are a new subtree, at the end you will find you Graph.
If you now choose the Pure Pic graph there is nothing shown, just a url, thats because you have to wait
until the poller polls the new Data Source the first time to create the first rrd file and so on.
IF you don't want do wait you could execute the crontab entry by hand:

				*/5 * * * *  /Pathtoyour/DataGrapher/tools/ 1>/dev/null

It also a good test to do it once by hand here you see if you have for example a typo in your Path to your DataGrapher

If you now click again on the Pure Pic Button Again you should see your frist graph.
If you now click on the InOctets Graph in the left Menu Frame again you should also see the Graph.
If you wait for about 10, 15 minutes you should see the first data inside the Graph.


You could change nealy everything you want on the Graphs you created.
You have to play with all the different Graph Attributes until you know what it looks like and what you could do.
Note:If you want to save your Graph you have to enter a Title for the Graph.
To change the Graph attributes you first have to Choose the Graph you want to change
from the left Menu Frame. Now you get some new Buttons on the Top of the Main Frame.
One is the Graph Button. (Other Buttons are explained later or befor.)
So if you choose your created Graph and then click the Graph button you get the Graph Attributes
The attributes are Start Time, End Time, Measure, Limits, Adjustments, Arrangement, Appearance, Labels.
The first Attributes you should change is for example the Color or the Labels.

Start Time

End Time





Appearance Here you Could for example change alle the Colors of the Graph also if it should be an AREA or Small
Line (LINE1) or bigger Line (LINE2). Let's Change a blue Line2 InOctet counter to a Green Area:
Fist we click on the Graph button under the Appearance field and choose a green color. Then the Graph Button
will also get that color. Then we select Line Type "AREA" in the Drop down Menu. After you make your adjustments
you press the Apply button. Now you Graph should be shown as green AREA Graph.

Labels If you insert an Y-Label for you Graph for example for InOctets on an Interface you would enter
"bit per Second". After you click apply your Graph should have the Y-Label like you specified. Here you must enter
an Title for the Graph otherwise you could not save the Graph.

After you Saved the Graph you should press the ReCache Button on the left Menu Frame.
Now you should see the Graph as you adjust it unter the Graphs Tree.